[Portable]Audition Offline 8.3

Server : Fshare.vn
Password: tuan565
Part 2 : Direct Link or Google Drive 
Launcher (Client) : Fshare.vn
Installation instructions:
1.Giai compression server on D drive (just try somewhere else if they spend dc)
At the D: \ PHPnow run PnCp.cmd file and then press Enter 20 (Later in the Process Task Manager will have httpd.exe and mysql-nt.exe) is OK (if fault it off your webserver is running)
On the web to register one account

- Run the server: In the D: \ PHPnow \ Audition Server run file and then wait when current StartUp.exe All Done! is finished

2.Client download unzip the installation normal
Part 2 unpacked and copied over the client abm

Launcher folder copied to client
In the game by AuLauncher.exe click on the rightmost

>>>> Turn off the server, then ShutDown Startup hit 30 and then turn PnCp.cmd
